How to setup bash script to monitor MySql service in Linux.


It’s really very tough job for every System Administrator to monitor and debug Linux System Performance problems every day. After being a Linux Administrator in IT industry, I came to know that how hard is to monitor and keep systems up and running. MySql is the main service one of them. For this reason, I have created some service monitoring bash scripts. This bash script is available under all flavors of Linux and can be useful to monitor MySql service.

Create a file and put below content in that:




$pgrep $mysql_daemon > /dev/null

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then

service mysql start


Copy Script from Github

I am going to setup this script in cronjob for to run at every minute. So it will check MySql service at every minute and start the service if found it down.

NOTE: Please add this script in cronjob as root user.

To setup cronjob hit below command

crontab –e

and put below content at the end of file

* * * * *

ALL! Done



I’m the owner of “” and been in the industry for almost 5 years. What I’ve noticed particularly about the industry is that it reacts slowly to the rapidly changing world of technology. I’ve done my best to introduce new technology into the community with the hopes that more technology can be utilized to serve our customers. I’m going to educate and at times demonstrate that technology can help businesses innovate and thrive. Throwing in a little bit of fun and entertainment couldn’t hurt right?


I’m the owner of “” and been in the industry for almost 5 years. What I’ve noticed particularly about the industry is that it reacts slowly to the rapidly changing world of technology. I’ve done my best to introduce new technology into the community with the hopes that more technology can be utilized to serve our customers. I’m going to educate and at times demonstrate that technology can help businesses innovate and thrive. Throwing in a little bit of fun and entertainment couldn’t hurt right?

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