How to Install K3s on Ubuntu 24.04: A Lightweight Kubernetes Setup


Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration, but it can be complex and resource-intensive. K3s, a lightweight Kubernetes distribution, is an excellent alternative for developers, small-scale deployments, and edge computing. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of installing K3s on Ubuntu 24.04.


Before installing K3s, ensure you have:

  • Ubuntu 24.04 LTS installed on your server.
  • A user with sudo privileges.
  • A stable internet connection.

Step 1: Update Your System

The first step is to update the package list and upgrade any outdated packages to ensure a stable environment.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Step 2: Install K3s (Single Node)

K3s provides an easy installation script that sets up a lightweight Kubernetes cluster.

curl -sfL | sh -

This command will:

  • Download and install K3s.
  • Start the K3s service automatically.
  • Set up kubectl to interact with your cluster.

Once installed, verify the K3s service is running:

systemctl status k3s

If it’s running correctly, you should see output similar to this:

● k3s.service - Lightweight Kubernetes
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/k3s.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running)

Step 3: Verify the Kubernetes Cluster

To check if K3s is installed and running correctly, use the following command:

kubectl get nodes

You should see an output similar to:

NAME     STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
ubuntu   Ready    control-plane,master   2m    v1.28.0+k3s1

This confirms that your Kubernetes control plane is up and running.

To list all running pods across all namespaces:

kubectl get pods -A

Step 4: Enable and Start K3s (If Needed)

If K3s is not running, you can manually enable and start the service:

sudo systemctl enable k3s
sudo systemctl start k3s

Step 5: Configure kubectl (Optional)

By default, kubectl is configured to use K3s. However, if you need to run commands from a non-root user, set up your kubeconfig file:

mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config

Now, test kubectl again:

kubectl get nodes

Step 6: Installing K3s in a Multi-Node Cluster (Master + Worker Nodes)

If you want to set up a multi-node cluster with one master node and multiple worker nodes, follow these steps:

Step 6.1: Install K3s on the Master Node

Run the following command on the master node:

curl -sfL | sh -s - --write-kubeconfig-mode=644

Now, retrieve the node token from the master node:

sudo cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token

Copy the token, as you’ll need it for worker nodes.

Step 6.2: Install K3s on Worker Nodes

Run the following command on each worker node, replacing <MASTER_IP> with the master node’s IP and <TOKEN> with the token you copied:

curl -sfL | K3S_URL="https://<MASTER_IP>:6443" K3S_TOKEN="<TOKEN>" sh -

After all worker nodes are added, verify the cluster:

kubectl get nodes

You should see the worker nodes listed along with the master.

Step 7: Uninstalling K3s (If Needed)

If you need to remove K3s, run the following command:

sudo /usr/local/bin/

For worker nodes, use:

sudo /usr/local/bin/


Setting up K3s on Ubuntu 24.04 is a quick and efficient way to deploy Kubernetes without the overhead of a full-fledged K8s installation. Whether you’re using it for development, testing, or lightweight production environments, K3s provides a powerful yet simple solution for running containerized applications.

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I’m the owner of “” and been in the industry for almost 5 years. What I’ve noticed particularly about the industry is that it reacts slowly to the rapidly changing world of technology. I’ve done my best to introduce new technology into the community with the hopes that more technology can be utilized to serve our customers. I’m going to educate and at times demonstrate that technology can help businesses innovate and thrive. Throwing in a little bit of fun and entertainment couldn’t hurt right?


I’m the owner of “” and been in the industry for almost 5 years. What I’ve noticed particularly about the industry is that it reacts slowly to the rapidly changing world of technology. I’ve done my best to introduce new technology into the community with the hopes that more technology can be utilized to serve our customers. I’m going to educate and at times demonstrate that technology can help businesses innovate and thrive. Throwing in a little bit of fun and entertainment couldn’t hurt right?

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