We all know using PuTTY tools we convert a .pem file to .ppk. But sometimes our clients give us to .ppk file, But we use a Linux machine so we need to convert it to .pem.
So following is a process of converting .ppk to .pem:
Install PuTTY tools in Ubuntu/Debian/LinuxMint
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install putty-tools |
Now convert .ppk file to .pem file
# puttygen /home/key.ppk -O private-openssh -o /home/key.pem |
Give permission 400 to pem key file
# chmod 400 /home/key.pem |
Now you can use produced .pem file to connect to a server from Linux machine.
# ssh -i /home/serverkaka.pem ubuntu@IP |